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Emerging from the Wilderness

image of wilderness

Hi everyone!

Back in 2022 I completely erased my entire social media footprint for over a year.

I’ll unfold the exact reasons why in the coming months, weeks, and days, but here’s a preview…

While the world continued marching to its own destructive beat, the true and living God led me into a profound wilderness season.

A season in which I was forced to come face to face with the reality of a counterfeit Christian faith and the realization that I didn’t truly KNOW God in an intimate way…the kind of knowing that leads to eternal life.

Before my sojourn in the wilderness, if anyone had asked me if I was saved I would have replied with an unequivocal yes! Then, I was shaken by the Spirit of God and shown my true spiritual condition.

The past year has been one of the most terrifying and exhilarating experiences of my life. I’ve been operating in the supernatural realm in a way that I scarcely thought was possible. Certainly not in a way that I was ever taught was possible, having grown up and been in the “faith” practically from birth. A “faith” that seriously discounted, if not completely ignored the crucial ministry of the Holy Spirit on this earth.

Over the past year, I have had to discard nearly every thing I was taught about Christianity, and lean only on God’s character, power, and Word for salvation, healing, and deliverance.

Following the Spirit’s lead has resulted in deep personal change…the kind of life transformation that is promised to the true children of God.

I scarcely recognize myself. The triune God has changed my perceptions, my mindset, my expectations, my desires, my speech, and my behavior. I know that I’ve barely scratched the surface with getting to know Him and His ways. But, I've had a taste. And, boy is the Lord good!

God’s Word is true. It says what it means and means what it says.

King Jesus is returning soon.

From now until He returns, I will use whatever means available to me to proclaim the truth of the Gospel message.

If you want to hear more of what has been going on with me, and what God has showed me, then stick around because I'm telling it all!


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Hi, thanks for stopping by!

I'm a prodigal daughter of God returning home.  A textbook example of the radical, transforming love of Jesus Christ.


By God's grace alone I have been saved through faith in Jesus Christ.

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